Holiday Closure

SJC will observe Spring Break from March 17-21, 2025. No classes will be held during this time, but all SJC campuses and offices will remain open with regular hours from Monday, March 17, through Thursday, March 20. On Friday, March 21, all SJC campuses and offices will be closed, with the exception of the HHPC.

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Danielle Atencio-Archibeque

student on Occupational Therapy equipmentOccupational Therapy Assistant | Graduated May 2019

Job Title: Licensed COTA


Why did you choose San Juan College?

I grew up here. My mother received her nursing degree here, so I knew it was a great school. I attended SJC for a short time after graduating high school then took some time off before deciding on a major. I started my pre-reqs to the OTA program in 2016. I was accepted and began the program in August 2017.

What did you do tp prepare for your career?

I always knew I wanted to work with children it didn't matter to me what area. This was the population I wanted to serve. I did not have the opportunity to work with children during my 8 week fieldwork and get my foot in the door that way. Instead, I received an email from Stacy about a direct hire COTA for CCSD shortly before I took my NBCOT exam. I applied right away. I interviewed about a week before my scores came back. This was in July. I was hired in August. 

What advice would you give to future graduates?

Occupational Therapy is my happy place and passion. I had the opportunity to meet some amazing therapists through my daughters therapy many years ago, built rapport and watched my child grow and meet goals. This lit my fire. I wanted to be for others, what there were for my family. Now, I get to live out my dream job. This program is challenging in the best way and you will never outgrow Occupational Therapy as a career. This program sets you up to always be striving for more, be limitless with your creativity and be the FUN in functional. 
"Your work is going to fill a large part of your life, and the only way to be truly satisfied is to do what you believe is great work. And the only way to do great work, is to love what you do"-Steve Jobs

What was your fondest memory at San Juan College?

My cohort. They became my best friends, my family. We took this journey together and lifted each other up everyday. I'll forever keep a special place in my heart for my Administrators of the program. They believed in me every step of the way.